Guilty Pleasure
Aug 02, 2022
Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Something that's indulgent, decadent, or extravagant?
Something that brings you great joy without being, what others might consider, a necessity?
Mine (and I *might* have more than one) is oracle decks.
I haven't counted lately, but I have two big baskets full that I've collected over the past seven or eight years. I have decks based on archetypes, the moon, animals, plants, stones, labyrinths, the divine feminine, and even one deck based on authors.
My favorite way to use them is as inspiration for my morning journaling. I bring a situation or a question to mind that I'd like to delve into and then I draw a card and see what thoughts it sparks. The cards provide a lens for me to look freshly at whatever I'm digging into that day.
In the past year, I've begun exploring tarot decks.
I know . . . many of us grew up hearing that tarot decks are taboo; that they are connected to dark forces or the occult.
I don't buy that.
From my experience, tarot cards are a more systematized version of oracle cards. And both give us beautiful ways to use symbols and metaphors to tap into our unconscious and to cultivate and maintain a relationship with it.
In the past few months, I've been digging into what it means to be an accommodating person.
What comes to mind when you hear that word?
Someone who's welcoming? Generous? Attentive? Serving?
I've always thought about those as being wonderful traits.
Lately, I've become aware that accommodating can become dangerous, too:
- When we consistently inconvenience ourselves to accommodate others, it can be dangerous.
- When others begin to expect us to accommodate their needs or wants, it can be dangerous.
- When we accommodate others because we like the validation we receive, it can be dangerous.
Recently, I was introduced to a delicious new deck, The Wild Wood Tarot. I brought my curiosity around being accommodating to my morning pages and the card I drew for my journaling was Ten of Wands - Happiness.
The image on the card is a waterfall spilling into dozens of cascades, all eventually flowing into a river below. Ten bowls (or vessels) catch the water and are in various stages of being filled to overflowing.
What came up for me in my journaling was a reminder that healthy giving is circular; that to receive without giving or to give without receiving creates disharmony. Giving and receiving are partners . . . together, they create harmonious relationships.
Many times, as women, we're better at giving than receiving; better at putting others wants ahead of our needs.
Receiving can feel awkward and uncomfortable.
If that sounds familiar to you, then I invite you to practice receiving this week.
In small ways or in extravagant ways, practice letting others give to you.
You deserve it.